Kevin Wood with his electric vehicle outside his home in Hampshire, UK, in March. 

Kevin Wood with his electric vehicle outside his home in Hampshire, UK, in March. 

Photographer: Alex Atack for Bloomberg Green
Greener Living

‘We Are Energy Nerds.’ People Are Obsessing Over Home Electricity Gadgets

As homeowners invest in solar panels, EV chargers, heat pumps and batteries, many are finding that a little electricity arbitrage can be addictive.

When Kevin Wood’s local utility started offering customers money in exchange for using less electricity, the father of one had a battle on his hands. Wood, who lives in Hampshire in southern England, was keen on realizing savings while alleviating peak energy demand. But some things — like teenagers — are even harder to manage than maxed-out electricity grids.

“We tried saying, ‘Look, let’s not use your Xbox for an hour,’” Wood says. “[It worked] once. But we’ve agreed not to do that again.”